{super shiny, pointy new flats to replace a well-loved pair that tore last month after 4 years}
To put it simply, the last few weeks have been hectic. Between multiple family get-together events, preparing for a Christmas meal with friends and squeezing in a couple of dates before David goes away for a bit, there sadly hasn’t been much time to be calm. Here are a few little pieces of happy, and a couple of pretty things to remind myself to step back, take a breather and enjoy the things around me.

{spending an entire day decorating a gingerbread house (I baked the gingerbread using this recipe) with the bestie}

{discovering an amazing grilled cheese food truck – what could be better?!}

{36 roses from David for our 36 month/3 year anniversary!}

{an expanding collection of gold rings. clockwise: YSL, BCBG, Social Experiment (c/o), vnunes (c/o), BCBG}

{photos by Mina Sadat}
Since wearing the same jackets in the winter can get boring pretty fast and buying a new one constantly is out of the question, I’m trying my best to re-invent my pieces. Last week, I quickly switched out the original sash from this cape with a leather one from another jacket – a subtle but much needed refresher to make the piece feel fresh in my closet again. For a few years I’ve also been toying with the idea of switching up the buttons on a pea coat for gold ones, and this might just be the year that I do it!

Wearing: Zara cape and shoes, 7 For All Mankind pants, YesStyle scarf, Coach bag (c/o), YSL ring, Lauren Elan (c/o) and Joe Fresh (gold) bracelets